Tag Archives: groin pain
Sports Hernia (Athletic Pubalgia). Part 1
Despite its name, a sports hernia is not an actual hernia. It’s an injury (usually a tear) to a tendon or muscle in your lower abdomen or groin that causes chronic pain. Approximately 5-18% of adult athletes experience sports hernias every year. A better, but lesser known, name for this injury is athletic pubalgia. Athletic … Continue reading Sports Hernia (Athletic Pubalgia). Part 1
A Pain in the Groin!
Groin injuries are among the most common injuries seen in hockey. A groin pull is a painful and debilitating injury to the muscles of the inner thigh. Research has shown that hip flexibility, and more importantly, strengthening, can help decrease the occurrence of groin strains. Hip strengthening should be performed during the entire season to maintain … Continue reading A Pain in the Groin!