Tag Archives: soft tissue injuries
Complex Regional Pain Syndrome
Complex regional pain syndrome (CRPS) is a chronic pain condition that affects one of the following limbs: feet, legs, hands or arms, most likely after an injury or trauma to that limb. It is believed that this condition can be caused by a malfunction or damage to the nervous systems. The hallmark signs of CRPS … Continue reading Complex Regional Pain Syndrome
Cold vs Heat Therapy. What Should You Use For Injuries?
Cold and hot packs are common self-treatment options used by many of us trying to deal with pain and injuries. But do we really know when to use cold vs heat? What does cold or heat really do to decrease pain and help us heal? Mechanisms of Pain In response to tissue injury, specialized nerve … Continue reading Cold vs Heat Therapy. What Should You Use For Injuries?
Do You Have Heel Pain? It Could be Plantar Fasciitis.
Are you experiencing pain and tenderness predominately on the inner portion of your heel on the sole of your foot? Do you have trouble taking your first steps in the morning or after prolonged sitting? This may be caused by plantar fasciitis, which is common among athletes and the sedentary population. The plantar fascia is … Continue reading Do You Have Heel Pain? It Could be Plantar Fasciitis.
Ouch! I Think I Have Tennis Elbow!
Let’s make sure we’re talking about the same thing here…. Stand relaxed with your arms hanging down and your palms facing forward. Tennis elbow is a burning, deep achy pain affecting the fleshy part on the outside of the elbow. It afflicts many tennis players, although you can get it even if you don’t play … Continue reading Ouch! I Think I Have Tennis Elbow!
What You Need to Know About ACL (Knee) Injuries
In most sports, a knee injury seems to be one of the most dreaded complaints that an athlete will face in their career. One of the common types of injury within the knee is a tear to the Anterior Cruciate Ligament, commonly known as the ACL. In most knee dislocations, the ACL tear is usually … Continue reading What You Need to Know About ACL (Knee) Injuries
A Pain in the Groin!
Groin injuries are among the most common injuries seen in hockey. A groin pull is a painful and debilitating injury to the muscles of the inner thigh. Research has shown that hip flexibility, and more importantly, strengthening, can help decrease the occurrence of groin strains. Hip strengthening should be performed during the entire season to maintain … Continue reading A Pain in the Groin!