Fibromyalgia: What is it and How to Prevent it
| |Fibromyalgia is a health condition that causes pain and fatigue in the muscles. People with this condition have ‘tender points’ on parts of the body, such as the neck, back, shoulders, hips, legs and arms. These tender points hurt when you put pressure on them. Those who have fibromyalgia can also experience other symptoms, including: … Continue reading Fibromyalgia: What is it and How to Prevent it
What is a Frozen Shoulder and What to Do if You Have it?
| |Wondering if you need frozen shoulder treatment? Frozen shoulder is also referred to as adhesive capsulitis. It is a condition that is characterized by pain and stiffness in the shoulder joint. Typically, its symptoms gradually begin, progressively worsen and resolve within a year or two. For some, the pain is unbearable during the night and … Continue reading What is a Frozen Shoulder and What to Do if You Have it?
The 10 Best and Worst Foods
| |According to Dr. Joel Fuhrman, author of Eat to Live, here are the 10 best and worst foods to eat for health and longevity. Pay attention to this list as it could literally save your life! 10 Best Foods: Green Leafy Vegetables – kale, collard greens, mustard greens, spinach, lettuce Non-Leafy Cruciferous Vegetables – broccoli, … Continue reading The 10 Best and Worst Foods
How Chiropractic Help Takes the Weight Off Your Shoulders
| |Many people have poor posture and suffer because of it every day. Most people don’t realize that they have poor posture. For instance, we can adopt poor posture when working, sitting, driving, watching television or even reading without realizing it. There are also a variety of health issues associated with poor posture such as neck, … Continue reading How Chiropractic Help Takes the Weight Off Your Shoulders
Analyzing Runner’s Shin Pain
| |Recreational running is great exercise and a great way to keep your cardiovascular system healthy. While there are many benefits to running, injury is also possible. Proper pacing, shoes and knowing your limits are important factors to consider when you are planning a running regimen. One of the most common problems runners may face is … Continue reading Analyzing Runner’s Shin Pain