Tag Archives: sports injuries
Sports Hernia (Athletic Pubalgia). Part 1
Despite its name, a sports hernia is not an actual hernia. It’s an injury (usually a tear) to a tendon or muscle in your lower abdomen or groin that causes chronic pain. Approximately 5-18% of adult athletes experience sports hernias every year. A better, but lesser known, name for this injury is athletic pubalgia. Athletic … Continue reading Sports Hernia (Athletic Pubalgia). Part 1
Overuse Injuries of the Elbow
Elbow pain is a common complaint that we see at Back to Function. Elbow pain may originate in the joint itself, or from any of the many surrounding muscles, ligaments, tendons and fascia. Elbow pain usually worsens with activities or movement of your arm or wrist. Anatomy of the elbow joint The humerus (upper arm … Continue reading Overuse Injuries of the Elbow
The Best Shoes for Your Next Workout
What kind of shoes should you be wearing for your workouts? Many of us choose the shoes that we see advertised on television or on the internet that our favorite athlete is promoting. But is that the best shoe to maximize your training? When choosing the correct shoe you should take into account a few … Continue reading The Best Shoes for Your Next Workout
The Most Common Injuries in Pickleball & How To Prevent Them
One sport that has grown rapidly in popularity among our clients at Back to Function is pickleball. A combination of tennis, badminton and ping-pong, pickleball is a fun and social sport, which is one reason it’s so popular. The rules are simple and the game is easy for beginners to learn, but can develop into a … Continue reading The Most Common Injuries in Pickleball & How To Prevent Them
16-Year Old High School Football Player With a Right Hamstring Tear
A 16-year old male high school football player reported to BTF with right hamstring area pain. He said he was sprinting at football practice and felt a “pulling sensation” in the right hamstring area and felt immediate pain. He said it felt like the hamstring muscle was “balled up” and was “very tight’. During an … Continue reading 16-Year Old High School Football Player With a Right Hamstring Tear
Shoulder Pain and How to Fix It
Shoulder pain is a common complaint that we see at Back to Function. Shoulder pain may originate in the joint itself, or from any of the many surrounding muscles, ligaments, tendons and fascia. Shoulder pain usually worsens with activities or movement of your arm or shoulder. At Back to Function, we make sure to evaluate … Continue reading Shoulder Pain and How to Fix It
Sleep & Athletic Performance
The most recent research on sleep and athletic performance says that athletes should be aiming for 8-10 hours of total sleep per night. In fact, you can unlock an extra 2-5% of performance gains by simply getting more rest. This makes sleep the ultimate performance enhancer! Famous athletes LeBron James and Roger Federer typically get … Continue reading Sleep & Athletic Performance
Are You Having Hip Pain?
Hip pain has become a significant issue that we see at BTF. Since we deal with soft tissue injuries, a number of our clients feel comfortable having us evaluate their hip complaints. Hip pain can come from a number of different sources. When participating in sports, getting hit on or around the hip or falling … Continue reading Are You Having Hip Pain?
Do You Even Stretch Bro?
Training for any sport, professional or recreational, athletes recognize the benefit of a strength and conditioning program…but what happened to stretching? There are many reasons for stretching’s lack of popularity. Aesthetically, stretching doesn’t produce the same outward appearance as does strength training. The muscle development gained during an 8-week training program, is much more apparent … Continue reading Do You Even Stretch Bro?
Do You Have Ankle Pain?
If you have ankle pain, then this article will help you understand what is wrong and what you can do to fix it. Though there are many ways you can injure your ankle, the most common injuries are: Ankle Sprain Ankle Fracture Ankle Impingement Ankle Sprain The most common injury to the ankle is a … Continue reading Do You Have Ankle Pain?