Category Archives: Fitness

What kind of shoes should you be wearing for your workouts? Many of us choose the shoes that we see advertised on television or on the internet that our favorite athlete is promoting. But is that the best shoe to maximize your training? When choosing the correct shoe you should take into account a few … Continue reading The Best Shoes for Your Next Workout

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One sport that has grown rapidly in popularity among our clients at Back to Function is pickleball.  A combination of tennis, badminton and ping-pong, pickleball is a fun and social sport, which is one reason it’s so popular. The rules are simple and the game is easy for beginners to learn, but can develop into a … Continue reading The Most Common Injuries in Pickleball & How To Prevent Them

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If you want to get your ideal body by losing body fat and increasing your lean muscle mass, you will want to know what the acronyms EPOC, ATP & HIIT mean. Muscle Fiber Type To understand EPOC, we need to know a little about muscle fiber type. Everyone has two general types of muscle—slow-twitch and … Continue reading EPOC, ATP & HIIT and How They Relate to Your Ideal Body

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Just because it’s Thanksgiving doesn’t mean you have to sacrifice your health and gain weight from overindulgence. Here are ten tips for a healthier Thanksgiving: Go for a 30-45 minute brisk walk Thanksgiving morning. That will create a calorie deficit and also has a tendency to make you more conscious about the types and amount … Continue reading 10 Tips for A Healthier Thanksgiving

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This article on creating internal tension for a back that will never break comes from my over 2 decades of working with clients with “bad back”, “slipped disc”, “back went out”, and the numerous failed back surgeries that I have seen. Over the years I have tried numerous approaches to back pain. The one thing … Continue reading Creating Internal Tension For A Back That Will Never Break

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Lifting weights, or resistance training, is hard work. It can take some time and dedication to maintain a good routine. Often, it isn’t considered a method of exercise for various reasons. Some excuses I’ve heard from my clients at BTF is that they don’t want to “bulk”, they are “too old” to lift weights, or … Continue reading Why You Should Lift Weights (At Any Age!)

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Are you tired of working hard all year to get your body in shape, only to see it get bloated during the winter holidays? I call it the Weight Gain Train and once it starts chugging, it’s hard to stop! But with BTF on your side, you don’t have to take the dreaded weight gain ride. … Continue reading Are You Tired of the Holiday Weight Gain Train?

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What is stress? The actual definition of stress is difficult as it is a highly subjective phenomenon that defies scientific measurement. The term “stress”, as it is currently used was coined by Hans Selye in 1936, who defined it as “the non-specific response of the body to any demand for change”. What we can all … Continue reading Tips on How to Deal With Stress

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Welcome to the BTF Metabolic Optimization Program (MOP) With the BTF MOP, you will be able to clean up your diet and establish healthy lifestyle choices that will help you lose weight and feel great. Use the BTF MOP to: improve your metabolism and ability to burn calories improve your body composition by increasing muscle … Continue reading BTF Metabolic Optimization Program

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One of the great things about living in almost always sunny and 75° Southern California, is that we basically get to exercise outdoors 365 days per year. If you like to keep it simple, you can just exercise in your own neighborhood. For some good ideas on how to make a neighborhood walk a real … Continue reading Great Fitness Circuit Workouts in the South Bay (For Free!)

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