New Year’s Resolution to Get Fit and Lose Weight?
| |Is your New Year’s resolution to get fit and lose weight? If you answered yes, then Back to Function wants to help you achieve your goals. It is estimated that over 95% of diets fail to keep the weight off permanently. Diets are a short-term solution to a long-term issue. If you want to get … Continue reading New Year’s Resolution to Get Fit and Lose Weight?
The Best Post-Visit Instructions After a BTF Treatment
| |This article will discuss the best post-visit instructions after a treatment at Back to Function. Make sure to consult with your Back to Function doctor as your condition is unique and may require slight alterations from this list of instructions. Visit Compliance: Carefully follow the recommended schedule of appointments that your BTF doctors have set … Continue reading The Best Post-Visit Instructions After a BTF Treatment
Are You On The Juice?
| |“Let food be thy medicine and medicine be thy food.”-Hippocrates Do you want to know an activity you can do in 15 minutes that improves your health more than exercising for an hour? Juice vegetables. Drinking raw vegetable juice is like drinking a living health elixir. This elixir will flood your body with all … Continue reading Are You On The Juice?
Is the Use of Ice for Soft Tissue Injuries Actually a Bad Idea?
| |We have had the opportunity to work with many athletes from multiple sports. With the multitude of treatment options available to athletes and their healthcare teams, the one constant that you see in every training room is a bag of ice. Ice bags strapped to shoulders, wrists, backs, necks, knees and ankles. Ice for athletes … Continue reading Is the Use of Ice for Soft Tissue Injuries Actually a Bad Idea?
Complex Regional Pain Syndrome
| |Complex regional pain syndrome (CRPS) is a chronic pain condition that affects one of the following limbs: feet, legs, hands or arms, most likely after an injury or trauma to that limb. It is believed that this condition can be caused by a malfunction or damage to the nervous systems. The hallmark signs of CRPS … Continue reading Complex Regional Pain Syndrome