Are You Having Trouble Losing Weight?
| |Everyone knows that diet and exercise are key to weight loss. Some of our clients seem to be eating a healthy diet and exercising every day but are still not losing weight like they want. Here are 3 issues that could be thwarting your weight loss efforts. 1) Sleep deprivation: A recent study shows that … Continue reading Are You Having Trouble Losing Weight?
Mid-Back Pain and How to Fix It
| |Almost everyone has had mid-back pain at some time in their life. It’s that annoying, gnawing pain somewhere around your shoulder blade or at the top of your back where your neck begins. Sometimes it feels as though you have something poking into your back and it is hard to get really comfortable. Alot of … Continue reading Mid-Back Pain and How to Fix It
A Pain in the Groin!
| |Groin injuries are among the most common injuries seen in hockey. A groin pull is a painful and debilitating injury to the muscles of the inner thigh. Research has shown that hip flexibility, and more importantly, strengthening, can help decrease the occurrence of groin strains. Hip strengthening should be performed during the entire season to maintain … Continue reading A Pain in the Groin!