Tag Archives: back to function
The Link Between Fibromylagia, Chronic Fatigue Syndrome and Epstein-Barr Virus
What Is Epstein-Barr Virus? According to Anthony William in his book Medical Medium, the Epstein-Barr virus (EBV) is a secret epidemic that affects roughly 225 million Americans. He believes that since the early 1900’s, EBV is responsible for mystery illnesses in every category and that your doctor knows almost nothing about the how the virus … Continue reading The Link Between Fibromylagia, Chronic Fatigue Syndrome and Epstein-Barr Virus
Do You Have Ankle Pain?
If you have ankle pain, then this article will help you understand what is wrong and what you can do to fix it. Though there are many ways you can injure your ankle, the most common injuries are: Ankle Sprain Ankle Fracture Ankle Impingement Ankle Sprain The most common injury to the ankle is a … Continue reading Do You Have Ankle Pain?
Migraine Headaches
Migraine headaches just absolutely suck! They can wreak havoc on your day and leave you lying in a dark room praying for relief. Migraine sufferers know they would literally “TRY ANYTHING” to get rid of their pain. Migraine headaches have an array of symptoms and can vary from person to person. Some migraines come without … Continue reading Migraine Headaches
Tennis Leg
Tennis leg is a general term used to describe pain in the leg typically caused by a tear of the medial gastrocnemius muscle (inner head of the big calf muscle). It is a somewhat common injury in middle-aged athletes that we at BTF would categorize as “weekend-warriors”. This athlete usually has a somewhat sedentary occupation, … Continue reading Tennis Leg
What You Need to Know About Concussions
The subject of concussions has become impossible to ignore. In the past, a head injury was simply shrugged off as a minor injury and many of us were told to continue on with activity once we regained our senses. As an athlete, coach, parent or physician, we need to recognize the symptoms and appropriate treatment … Continue reading What You Need to Know About Concussions
Why Should We Blow Up Balloons For Exercise?
Why do the doctors at Back to Function have me blow up balloons for some of my rehabilitation exercises? Blowing up balloons facilitates the abdominal muscles. The abdominal muscles are flexors of the spine and trunk. By facilitating (turning on) the spinal flexors with balloon blowing you are helping to inhibit (turn off) the spine … Continue reading Why Should We Blow Up Balloons For Exercise?
Natural Treatments for High Cholesterol
Have you been given the bad news lately from your doctor? According to a recent blood test, you have high cholesterol. You might not even be experiencing any noticeable symptoms, but you’ve seen the drug commercials and you know that having high cholesterol isn’t a good thing. But are taking drugs the only solution to … Continue reading Natural Treatments for High Cholesterol
Why Sit-Ups Are Not Training Your Core
If you think doing sit-ups are training your core, you better keep reading so that you can rethink your “core” workouts. First of all, let’s define what the core is. What is the core? The torso and pelvis between the shoulders and hips (front and back of the body) is the core. Because of its size and capacity … Continue reading Why Sit-Ups Are Not Training Your Core
9 Foods to Eat the Day After You Splurge
If you have been exercising and eating a well balanced diet, your will-power is about to be challenged in the next 2 months! First we have Halloween, and all that candy. Next, we have a Thanksgiving feast, then the December holiday parties that lead into the New Year’s eve celebration. But don’t panic, having 1 or 2 … Continue reading 9 Foods to Eat the Day After You Splurge
How to Prevent the Cold and Flu
It’s the Fall and you know what that means… Cold and Flu season has begun. It is now that time of year that the heat of the summer is starting to wear off and kids have been in school long enough to expose each other to this season’s cold/flu viruses. The seasonal outbreak of the … Continue reading How to Prevent the Cold and Flu