All Posts By: Dr. Chad Moreau
What is Fitness and How Can We Measure it?
| |What is Fitness? Biologically speaking, an organism would be considered as having fitness if it is able to survive to reproduce. Typically, humans survive well beyond their reproductive years. For us, fitness has taken on a new definition that is related to the stage of life we are in and our overall level of health. … Continue reading What is Fitness and How Can We Measure it?
Post Surgical Rehabilitation of the Shoulder (Labral Tear) Part 1
| |The shoulder joint involves 3 bones: scapula (shoulder blade) clavicle (collarbone) humerus (upper arm bone) The head of the humerus rests in a shallow socket of the scapula called the glenoid. Since the head of the humerus is much larger than the glenoid, a soft fibrous tissue called the labrum surrounds the glenoid to help … Continue reading Post Surgical Rehabilitation of the Shoulder (Labral Tear) Part 1
Post Surgical Rehabilitation of the Shoulder (Labral Tear) Part 2
| |Note: Part 2 of this article is geared more toward a qualified healthcare practitioner. Full return to throwing and contact sports occurs in 80-90% of athletes. Successful return to sport and activity is dependent on following post-surgical precautions and completing a structured post-surgical rehabilitation program. The rehabilitation program we use at Back to Function is a … Continue reading Post Surgical Rehabilitation of the Shoulder (Labral Tear) Part 2
SI Joint Part 3: Treatment of SI Joint Pain
| |Treatment of SI joint pain (SIJP) includes chiropractic manipulation (good for the SI joint that isn’t moving enough), myofascial release, heat, postural education, SI belts (good short term strategy for the SI joint that is moving too much), electrical stimulation, stretching, therapeutic exercises, SI joint injections including prolotherapy, Platelet Rich Plasma, stem cells and SI … Continue reading SI Joint Part 3: Treatment of SI Joint Pain
SI Joint Part 2: Assessment of SI Joint Instability
| |If you are unsure of whether or not you have sacroiliac (SI) joint instability (SIJI), please read the previous article entitled Do You Have SI Joint Pain?. As a chiropractor, I start to consider SIJI when I have a patient who gets relief from adjusting, but never “holds” the adjustment. Another consideration for SIJI is a … Continue reading SI Joint Part 2: Assessment of SI Joint Instability
SI Joint Part 1: Do You Have SI Joint Pain?
| |Issues involving one or both sacroiliac joints (SIJs) are often referred to as SI joint pain (SIJP) or sacroiliac joint dysfunction (SIJD). It is estimated that 30% of low back pain is caused by SIJD and it’s even more common in pregnant and post partum women. SIJP can be caused by either too much or … Continue reading SI Joint Part 1: Do You Have SI Joint Pain?
BTF Fitness Challenge
| |Are you looking for a way to measure your overall fitness level? Do you want to hit the gym, but aren’t really sure what you should spend time working on? Cardio? Strength? Flexibility? The BTF Fitness Challenge is a unique series of 10 body weight-based tests. Each of the 10 tests is designed to measure … Continue reading BTF Fitness Challenge
The Great Fruit Debate
| |THE GREAT FRUIT DEBATE In recent years, nutritional scientists have come to understand that processed sugars that are added to so many foods (especially in the form of corn syrup), feeds diseases like cancer, obesity and many other health ailments. The war on sugar is on, but there has been a casualty in that war: … Continue reading The Great Fruit Debate
The Link Between Fibromylagia, Chronic Fatigue Syndrome and Epstein-Barr Virus
| |What Is Epstein-Barr Virus? According to Anthony William in his book Medical Medium, the Epstein-Barr virus (EBV) is a secret epidemic that affects roughly 225 million Americans. He believes that since the early 1900’s, EBV is responsible for mystery illnesses in every category and that your doctor knows almost nothing about the how the virus … Continue reading The Link Between Fibromylagia, Chronic Fatigue Syndrome and Epstein-Barr Virus
Do You Have Ankle Pain?
| |If you have ankle pain, then this article will help you understand what is wrong and what you can do to fix it. Though there are many ways you can injure your ankle, the most common injuries are: Ankle Sprain Ankle Fracture Ankle Impingement Ankle Sprain The most common injury to the ankle is a … Continue reading Do You Have Ankle Pain?