Indicators That You May Have Compartment Syndrome
| |Compartment Syndrome is an acute post-injury condition. It can occur in a wide variety of situations to many different kinds of people. If swelling and bleeding have occurred, pressure increases in an enclosed space inside the body. The swelling causes greatly reduced blood flow to surrounding tissues. It can also cause atrophy and death of. … Continue reading Indicators That You May Have Compartment Syndrome
How to Watch Out for Shin Splints and When to Exercise Again
| |Shin splints are pains occurring in the lower leg and are a trial for athletes of many sorts, from runners to dancers. These pains that appear below the knee can develop into serious injuries if left unaddressed, whether they are: • Medial • Appearing on the inner part of the leg • Appearing on anterior … Continue reading How to Watch Out for Shin Splints and When to Exercise Again
Core Bracing: “Suck in or Push out?”
| |If you’ve taken exercise classes or watched exercise videos, you may have heard people tell you to “suck in your core to protect your spine.” Another phrase often said in lifting when referring to bracing is, “push out to activate your core.” These terms can be confusing. The goal of core bracing is to allow … Continue reading Core Bracing: “Suck in or Push out?”
Fibromyalgia: What is it and How to Prevent it
| |Fibromyalgia is a health condition that causes pain and fatigue in the muscles. People with this condition have ‘tender points’ on parts of the body, such as the neck, back, shoulders, hips, legs and arms. These tender points hurt when you put pressure on them. Those who have fibromyalgia can also experience other symptoms, including: … Continue reading Fibromyalgia: What is it and How to Prevent it
What is a Frozen Shoulder and What to Do if You Have it?
| |Wondering if you need frozen shoulder treatment? Frozen shoulder is also referred to as adhesive capsulitis. It is a condition that is characterized by pain and stiffness in the shoulder joint. Typically, its symptoms gradually begin, progressively worsen and resolve within a year or two. For some, the pain is unbearable during the night and … Continue reading What is a Frozen Shoulder and What to Do if You Have it?