The Benefits of Cupping Therapy
| |Cupping therapy has been around for thousands of years and is traditionally a form of Egyptian, Chinese, and Middle Eastern medicine. However, cupping therapy has become a popular treatment among athletes for sports injuries, and it can be performed by chiropractors, acupuncturists, medical doctors, physical therapists, and massage therapists. At Back to Function, as part of … Continue reading The Benefits of Cupping Therapy
COVID-19 Vaccines
| |As a healthcare professional, some of my patients are interested in my opinion regarding the COVID-19 💉. Here is my simple synopsis of what I know about these 💉 and how they operate in the body. Keep in mind that the immune system is very complex and detailed study is required to become a true … Continue reading COVID-19 Vaccines
Sprinting Should Be Part of Your Workouts
| |When we were young, we used to sprint to get everywhere! It wasn’t something that we had to think about, it was just the way we got around. But as we age, we tend to slow down and sprinting is no longer the way we move. This is unfortunate, as sprinting has been demonstrated to … Continue reading Sprinting Should Be Part of Your Workouts
The Kind of Food You Eat Matters!
| |Quick multiple choice question: What is the most important asset to own in this new world economy? A) blue chip stocks like APPLE, GOOGLE & MICROSOFT B) gold & silver C) real estate D) a healthy & resilient human body What did you choose? I think many of us know that D is the correct … Continue reading The Kind of Food You Eat Matters!
Ankle Sprain Rehabilitation Protocol
| |Ankle sprains can be graded as grade 1 (mild), grade 2 (moderate), or grade 3 (severe). Mild sprains include slight swelling with no instability, and typically take 1-3 weeks to return to sport. Moderate ankle sprains involve more pain and swelling with minor instability and can take 3-6 weeks before returning to full activity. A … Continue reading Ankle Sprain Rehabilitation Protocol