Tag Archives: soft tissue injuries
Shockwave Therapy to Accelerate Your Healing
Shockwave therapy (also called Pressure Wave Therapy) is a non-invasive, highly effective treatment method for pain that promotes accelerated repair of injured soft tissue, bone, heel and joint pain. What is Shockwave Therapy? Shockwave therapy, also called Extracorporeal Pulse Activation Technology (EPAT), is a modern treatment whereby high-energy sound waves are introduced into painful areas … Continue reading Shockwave Therapy to Accelerate Your Healing
Do You Have a Pain in the A$$? Part 1.
So often patients describe their pain as “sciatica”, too often doctors agree and diagnose their pain as “piriformis syndrome”. But the gluteal region is more complicated that pointing to a spot on your buttock and a diagnosis is made. There are numerous reasons for a pain in your gluteal region. Deep Gluteal Pain Syndrome (DGPS) … Continue reading Do You Have a Pain in the A$$? Part 1.
Post Surgical Rehabilitation of the Shoulder (Labral Tear) Part 1
The shoulder joint involves 3 bones: scapula (shoulder blade) clavicle (collarbone) humerus (upper arm bone) The head of the humerus rests in a shallow socket of the scapula called the glenoid. Since the head of the humerus is much larger than the glenoid, a soft fibrous tissue called the labrum surrounds the glenoid to help … Continue reading Post Surgical Rehabilitation of the Shoulder (Labral Tear) Part 1
Do You Even Stretch Bro?
Training for any sport, professional or recreational, athletes recognize the benefit of a strength and conditioning program…but what happened to stretching? There are many reasons for stretching’s lack of popularity. Aesthetically, stretching doesn’t produce the same outward appearance as does strength training. The muscle development gained during an 8-week training program, is much more apparent … Continue reading Do You Even Stretch Bro?
Do You Have Ankle Pain?
If you have ankle pain, then this article will help you understand what is wrong and what you can do to fix it. Though there are many ways you can injure your ankle, the most common injuries are: Ankle Sprain Ankle Fracture Ankle Impingement Ankle Sprain The most common injury to the ankle is a … Continue reading Do You Have Ankle Pain?
Tennis Leg
Tennis leg is a general term used to describe pain in the leg typically caused by a tear of the medial gastrocnemius muscle (inner head of the big calf muscle). It is a somewhat common injury in middle-aged athletes that we at BTF would categorize as “weekend-warriors”. This athlete usually has a somewhat sedentary occupation, … Continue reading Tennis Leg
Take An Active Role in Your Health
The troubling question for most patients is, “When will I get better?” To this question I answer, “Today!” You have already started the healing process just by coming into Back to Function and addressing your issue or pain. As a Doctor of Chiropractic I do not heal or cure pain; rather, I help facilitate your … Continue reading Take An Active Role in Your Health
NSAIDs a Bad Choice For Your Injury?
What is an NSAID? Ibuprofen is the most popular NSAID (non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drug) in North America. It is commonly prescribed in the treatment of musculoskeletal injuries and it is estimated that more than 30 million people take NSAIDs daily for a variety of conditions ranging from headaches to low back pain. There are so many … Continue reading NSAIDs a Bad Choice For Your Injury?
The Best Post-Visit Instructions After a BTF Treatment
This article will discuss the best post-visit instructions after a treatment at Back to Function. Make sure to consult with your Back to Function doctor as your condition is unique and may require slight alterations from this list of instructions. Visit Compliance: Carefully follow the recommended schedule of appointments that your BTF doctors have set … Continue reading The Best Post-Visit Instructions After a BTF Treatment
Is the Use of Ice for Soft Tissue Injuries Actually a Bad Idea?
We have had the opportunity to work with many athletes from multiple sports. With the multitude of treatment options available to athletes and their healthcare teams, the one constant that you see in every training room is a bag of ice. Ice bags strapped to shoulders, wrists, backs, necks, knees and ankles. Ice for athletes … Continue reading Is the Use of Ice for Soft Tissue Injuries Actually a Bad Idea?