All Posts By: Dr. Chad Moreau
Is the Use of Ice for Soft Tissue Injuries Actually a Bad Idea?
| |We have had the opportunity to work with many athletes from multiple sports. With the multitude of treatment options available to athletes and their healthcare teams, the one constant that you see in every training room is a bag of ice. Ice bags strapped to shoulders, wrists, backs, necks, knees and ankles. Ice for athletes … Continue reading Is the Use of Ice for Soft Tissue Injuries Actually a Bad Idea?
Complex Regional Pain Syndrome
| |Complex regional pain syndrome (CRPS) is a chronic pain condition that affects one of the following limbs: feet, legs, hands or arms, most likely after an injury or trauma to that limb. It is believed that this condition can be caused by a malfunction or damage to the nervous systems. The hallmark signs of CRPS … Continue reading Complex Regional Pain Syndrome
Cold vs Heat Therapy. What Should You Use For Injuries?
| |Cold and hot packs are common self-treatment options used by many of us trying to deal with pain and injuries. But do we really know when to use cold vs heat? What does cold or heat really do to decrease pain and help us heal? Mechanisms of Pain In response to tissue injury, specialized nerve … Continue reading Cold vs Heat Therapy. What Should You Use For Injuries?
Does Your Child Have Heel Pain?
| |Sever’s disease, also known as calcaneal apophysitis, is a common temporary heel injury that occurs in children. It is a painful condition that takes place in the heel that results in inflammation at the growth plate (epiphyseal plate). As children grow, their bones have a region of developing cartilage cells located at the end of … Continue reading Does Your Child Have Heel Pain?
Eat Fruit But Don’t Drink Fruit Juice
| |There’s nothing like having a tall cold glass of sweet orange juice with your breakfast. It’s a healthy way to start the day right? Well… no, not really. But wait! Oranges are fruit and fruit is good for you and orange juice is full of vitamin C and calcium and other healthy stuff. Right?? Kind … Continue reading Eat Fruit But Don’t Drink Fruit Juice
Refuel Before and After Your Workouts
| |After doing a workout, your body will need to recover and rebuild, however, keep in mind that this process takes place 24 hours a day, not only after working out. Calories eaten after a workout are less likely to be stored as fat because they are used to replenish the glycogen lost during activity. Glycogen … Continue reading Refuel Before and After Your Workouts
Breathing to Correct Posture and Alleviate Pain
| |Luckily, breathing is an automatic action performed by the body that we don’t really have to think about too much. Breathing plays a key role in both posture and spinal stabilization. But just because it is automated, doesn’t mean that we will never have issues with breathing. In fact, a recent study demonstrated that 75% … Continue reading Breathing to Correct Posture and Alleviate Pain
Should You Do a Liver Cleanse?
| |Have you been thinking about the health of your liver lately? The answer is probably no, but the information in this article might make you reconsider your liver and give it the love that it deserves! What is the Liver and What Does it do? The liver is the second largest organ in the body … Continue reading Should You Do a Liver Cleanse?
Need a Quick Detox to Get Healthier?
| |A few times per year it is a good idea to give yourself a few days of detoxification. Even if you are a relatively healthy eater, your digestive system will appreciate a few days off from the intensive process of digestion. Did you know that 20-50% of the energy that we use during the day … Continue reading Need a Quick Detox to Get Healthier?
Are You an Athlete Looking to Add Muscle Mass?
| |At Back to Function, we get to work with a number of different youth athletes from a multitude of sports. A common question that we are asked, especially by young male athletes is, “how can I put on weight and add some muscle mass?” First, you better be hitting the gym and lifting weights. Some … Continue reading Are You an Athlete Looking to Add Muscle Mass?