Hormone Balance for Women
| |What are Hormones? Hormones bring important messages to every cell of your body. They travel in your bloodstream where they bind to carrier proteins and are slowly released into tissues throughout the body. They work slowly, over time, and affect many different processes, including: Growth and development Metabolism – how your body gets energy from … Continue reading Hormone Balance for Women
The Best Shoes for Your Next Workout
| |What kind of shoes should you be wearing for your workouts? Many of us choose the shoes that we see advertised on television or on the internet that our favorite athlete is promoting. But is that the best shoe to maximize your training? When choosing the correct shoe you should take into account a few … Continue reading The Best Shoes for Your Next Workout
The Most Common Injuries in Pickleball & How To Prevent Them
| |One sport that has grown rapidly in popularity among our clients at Back to Function is pickleball. A combination of tennis, badminton and ping-pong, pickleball is a fun and social sport, which is one reason it’s so popular. The rules are simple and the game is easy for beginners to learn, but can develop into a … Continue reading The Most Common Injuries in Pickleball & How To Prevent Them
Interpreting Your Blood Lab Tests
| |Overview Blood laboratory tests are helpful in evaluating your health status. Blood tests allow your doctor to see a detailed analysis of disease markers, the nutrients and waste products in your blood, as well as how various organs (e.g., kidneys and liver) are functioning. If you’re like most people, you’ve probably looked over the alphabet soup of … Continue reading Interpreting Your Blood Lab Tests
16-Year Old High School Football Player With a Right Hamstring Tear
| |A 16-year old male high school football player reported to BTF with right hamstring area pain. He said he was sprinting at football practice and felt a “pulling sensation” in the right hamstring area and felt immediate pain. He said it felt like the hamstring muscle was “balled up” and was “very tight’. During an … Continue reading 16-Year Old High School Football Player With a Right Hamstring Tear