Why You Should Lift Weights (At Any Age!)
| |Lifting weights, or resistance training, is hard work. It can take some time and dedication to maintain a good routine. Often, it isn’t considered a method of exercise for various reasons. Some excuses I’ve heard from my clients at BTF is that they don’t want to “bulk”, they are “too old” to lift weights, or … Continue reading Why You Should Lift Weights (At Any Age!)
Are You Tired of the Holiday Weight Gain Train?
| |Are you tired of working hard all year to get your body in shape, only to see it get bloated during the winter holidays? I call it the Weight Gain Train and once it starts chugging, it’s hard to stop! But with BTF on your side, you don’t have to take the dreaded weight gain ride. … Continue reading Are You Tired of the Holiday Weight Gain Train?
Easy Tips to Use Nutrition to Help You Maximize Your Healing Potential
| |Getting injured sucks! And the harder to we push our body, whether it’s to improve our fitness, or playing a sport that we enjoy, the more exposure we have to injuries. For most athletes and weekend warriors, the idea that nutrition can play an essential role in injury recovery makes sense. Yet, when injuries happen, very … Continue reading Easy Tips to Use Nutrition to Help You Maximize Your Healing Potential
Boost Your Immune System For Cold/Flu Season
| |Back to Function is a healthcare office that cares about more than just the health of your spine, as we care about your overall health and well-being. As a result, we encourage daily exercise and healthy nutrition habits in addition to chiropractic care and soft tissue therapy. Part of being a healthy human, is having a … Continue reading Boost Your Immune System For Cold/Flu Season
Your Mouth is for Eating & Your Nose is for Breathing
| |Most of us will take approximately 20,000 breaths today, but never give those breaths a thought. Breathing is an automated function of the nervous system, but is complex and affects all parts of the body. When you breathe, you are using the body’s respiratory system to bring air into your lungs. Respiratory System The respiratory … Continue reading Your Mouth is for Eating & Your Nose is for Breathing